(Previous:The Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic) Special Thanks to: SegNin, Tau, Darken, anyon175, hedge1, TheChosenOne, TheGameArchivist, Vash, iisheron, AznChipMunk, Aldu, Gari, krum110487 and everyone else whose every back upped an rpgmaker game onto their harddrive - these games would not exist today without you guys. Ask krum110487 or Marrend for assistance, they're doing great work ♥. ( more info) Also, SegNin cameback.holy shit!!! 2022 Update: On indefinite hiatus till Sept 2022 or until further notice. 2023 Update 3: 2023 krum's googlesheet of missing games - great resource for finding missing rpgmakergames post 2023 2022 Update 2: We're starting to move the current list to googledocs, so it'll be easier to update and manage.